

Papaya, Mandookparni, Aloevera, Amla, Haritaki, Giloe, Methi Dana, Kiwi, Punemava, Tulsi, Trikatu

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Indication:Platelet Dysfuntion And Thrombocytopenia Due To Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Dengue , Fever, Chronic Hepatitis Or Viral Infection


Platone is an Ayurvedic Syrup for Platelets production that is known to have the composition of Papaya, Mandookparni, Aloe vera, Amla, Haritaki, Giloe, Methi Dana, Kiwi, Punemava, Tulsi, Trikatu. These ingredients are known to have suitable benefits to the person’s health as they offer the production of platelets when the person suffers from dengue fever, chemotherapy, and other problems. One much observe that this is an ayurvedic syrup but works for serious conditions, hence try to consume it only on the doctor’s advice and not on the self-consultation

Ayurvedic Syrup for Platelets containing Papaya, Mandookparni, Aloe vera, Amla, Haritaki, Giloe, Methi Dana, Kiwi, Punemava, Tulsi, Trikatu is Albion to offer support to the immune system that indicates the growth and development of the white blood cells also called WBCs. this also provides support to the cell development. This contains the natural ingredients which are known to offer blood management but with this, it offers a great source of antioxidants too. Also, this is known to support the digestive system too. 

There are some advisable precautions with are necessary with the consumption of Ayurvedic Syrup for Platelets containing Papaya, Mandookparni, Aloe vera, Amla, Haritaki, Giloe, Methi Dana, Kiwi, Punemava, Tulsi, Trikatu. The important precautions that must be followed are, the consumption has to be on the doctor’s demand and not overdose on the syrup. If you feel nauseous and have any allergies, contact your doctor. The reported effect of the dose is loose stools, vomiting, change in taste, headache, and more. Hence do not intake without the doctor’s guidance. 

Indications: Platelet Dysfunction And Thrombocytopenia Due To Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Dengue, Fever, Chronic Hepatitis, Or Viral Infection

Advantages of  Ayurvedic Syrup for Platelets

There Are many benefits of this herbal syrup that contains healthy ingredients namely, Papaya, Mandookparni, Aloe vera, Amla, Haritaki, Giloe, Methi Dana, Kiwi, Punemava, Tulsi, and Trikatu. All these benefits the person with the interesting benefits which we have mentioned below. 

Papaya- It has certain enzymes that promote the platelet’s growth. 

Mandookparni-  It prompts better blood functioning thereby helping to increase the platelets count.

Aloe Vera- The antioxidant properties increase the lower levels of platelets.

Amla- It reduces the tendency thereby maintaining the count of platelets. 

Haritaki- Increases the body’s capability to improve the count.

Giloe- Increase the person’s immunity level.

Methi Dana- Helps in the reduction of body pain during health issues. 

Kiwi-  It is known to treat anemia.

Punemava- Improves blood circulation.

Tulsi- Enhances blood quality by purifying it.

Trikatu- Maintains the energy level of the body.

Precaution for Ayurvedic Syrup for Platelets

The consumption of syrup containing the composition of Papaya, Mandookparni, Aloe vera, Amla, Haritaki, Giloe, Methi Dana, Kiwi, Punemava, Tulsi, and Trikatu requires some precautions. 

  • Drink more water.
  • Take the medicine on time.
  • Follow the doctor’s instructions.
  • Do not consume if face any allergies. 
  • Pregnant women are not allowed to consume it.

Side Effects of Ayurvedic Syrup for Platelets

The noted side effects of the syrup with the composition of  Papaya, Mandookparni, Aloe vera, Amla, Haritaki, Giloe, Methi Dana, Kiwi, Punemava, Tulsi, and Trikatu offer some after-effects too such as,

  • Loose stools
  • Bitter taste
  • Vomiting
  • Drowsiness


Keep the Ayurvedic Syrup for Platelets in a cool and dry place with no contact with sunlight.

Note- This Ayurvedic Syrup for Platelets is only for external use. 

Disclaimer- Ayurvedic Syrup for Platelets is only for external use, do not intake without the doctor’s consultation. 

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