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Natrasure PMS

Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Castor, Gokshur, Punarnava, Shalparni, Kantkari, Brihati, Bilva, Agnimantha, Gambhari, Vidarikand, Darbha, Kusha, Sara, Kasa, Ikshu, Potagala, Prushniparni

Ayurvedic PMS Tablets – Natrasure PMS tablets effectively manage PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome). It is recommended to control or avoid nutrient or vitamin deficiencies in the body. This medication contains a powerful blend of herbs that are clinically tested and proven to manage menstrual cramps, excessive bleeding, or irregular menstrual cycles.

The Natrasure PMS tablet, an herbal medication, is perfect for treating discomforts allided with menstrual cycles, mood swings, period pain, and insomnia. Ayurvedic PMS Tablets are given or prescribed to alleviate the symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle.

While consuming the Ayurvedic PMS Tablets, you have to follow some precautions such as using the tablets in a limited amount, informing the doctor about the ill effects that you may suffer from the use of this medication, and following a good diet. The use of alcohol is restricted.

Although this is an ayurvedic drug, the generation of side effects is very rare. You can feel nausea, loose stools, vomiting, etc. The Ayurvedic PMS Tablets are only for external use, keep them in a cool and dry place.

Uses of Ayurvedic PMS Tablets

Ayurvedic tablets for PMS can target various specific concerns associated with premenstrual syndrome. These tablets commonly contain a mixture of herbs and natural components to control symptoms. Below are a few of the uses of this drug:

  • Relief from Inflammation
  • Uterine and Reproductive Organ Tone
  • Elevated Mood and Energy
  • Diuretic Action
  • Elevated Mood and Energy
  • Hormone and Neurotransmitter Balance


Mood Swings / Cramps / Bloating around Monthly Cycle (Relief from Premenstrual Symptoms)

How Does Ayurvedic PMS Tablet Work?

The Ayurvedic PMS tablet from Navayur Herbals aids in digestion and eliminates toxins in the mouth to reduce the body’s workload during menstruation. Certain herbs in these tablets are believed to aid in regulating hormone levels, which may be advantageous in alleviating symptoms like mood swings, bloating, breast tenderness, and reducing stress.

Ingredient Benefits of Ayurvedic PMS Tablets

These are the gynecology pharmaceutical medicines that respond well to the health conditions of periods of women. 

The medicine consists of:

Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Castor, Gokshur, Punarnava, Shalparni, Kantkari, Brihati, Bilva, Agnimantha, Gambhari, Vidarikand, Darbha, Kusha, Sara, Kasa, Ikshu, Potagala, Prushniparni

Shatavari: This Ayurvedic herb reduces menstruation cramps and manages hormonal imbalances. 

Ashwagandha: It reduces stress and anxiety during the times of menses that cause mood swings.

Castor: It relieves the discomfort and the pain due to cramps in the body.

Gokshur: This manages water retention and supports urinary health by balancing PMS.

Punarnava: The swelling and stomach bloating is controlled with Punarnava.

Shalparni: Its anti-inflammatory properties control the PMS symptoms. 

Kantkari: It reduces abdominal pain and the discomfort due to PMS pain. 

Brihati: This reduces pain and inflammation in the body.

Bilva: The digestive issues like constipation, and bloating are treated with this. 

Agnimantha: This balances the Vata and Kapha dosha.

Gambhari: Gambhari has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties

Vidarikand: It provides cooling properties to the person’s body.

Darbha: Its anti-inflammatory and cooling properties relieve menstruation discomfort. 

Ikshu: This reduces the condition of fatigue during menses.

Potagalab: This helps reduce the body’s pain due to PMS.

Prushniparni: This offers anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties to the health of a person.

The Ayurvedic PMS Tablets are ISO, GMP and WHO certified pharmaceutical products. Take in in an orderly manner with proper instructions.

Note- Ayurvedic PMS Tablets are only for external use.

Disclaimer: The Ayurvedic PMS Tablets are not recommended by us for use during periods.

Storage: Keep Ayurvedic PMS Tablets 

 In a cool and dry place. 

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