

Ayurveda, an age-old traditional medicine system has traversed the boundaries of herbal remedies and is serving several therapeutic segments. Ayurvedic medicines and treatments have gained popularity for being used in the treatment of a wide range of skincare and haircare concerns. Navayur Herbals brings together the goodness of powerful herbal ingredients to provide relief from a diverse range of skin ailments such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, hair fall, aging, and many others. Our team of dermatologists and Ayurvedic practitioners work together to formulate the best Ayurvedic Derma Range in India.

Our Ayurvedic derma solutions are available in a variety of topical preparations to enhance convenience and customer satisfaction. We also foster long-term business collaborations and offer a broad spectrum of Ayurvedic derma range for PCD Franchise and third-party manufacturing services in several prominent regions in India.

Powerful Ayurvedic Derma Solutions

Ayurveda is a traditional medicine system using the goodness of botanical ingredients to treat the root cause of several skincare and haircare concerns. Our Ayurvedic derma product range is available in different product categories such as face creams, face wash, face serum, soaps, body oils, lotions, ointments, and gels. The Ayurvedic derma range is manufactured in a GMP-certified facility under the watch of our Ayurvedic practitioners and quality control experts. We use 100% organic and natural raw ingredients to deliver the best quality Ayurvedic products.

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Significance of Integrating Ayurveda in Dermacare 

Ayurvedic ingredients and treatments have always been used to give natural relief from a wide range of skin and hair care disorders. Navayur Herbals blends innovation and technology to create effective herbal remedies packaged using premium packaging materials. The key features of Ayurvedic derma care solutions are briefed below: 

Preventive Care: Unlike, commercial skincare products, Ayurveda follows a preventive approach and works at the root cause of the disorders. The regular usage of Ayurvedic products gives your skin much-needed relief from harsh ingredients and promotes a youthful glow. 

Holistic Approach: Ayurvedic treatments are known for their holistic approach and harmonizing effect on the body, mind, and soul. Including Ayurvedic products in your skincare regime can completely transform your skin health and get rid of any skin disorders. 

Goodness of Natural Ingredients: Ayurveda brings you the goodness of natural ingredients in different types of Ayurvedic derma products. These ingredients are rich in anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial qualities and promote radiant, healthy-looking skin. The use of Ayurvedic products also helps avoid the negative side effects of synthetic ingredients. 

Discover the Purifying Effects of Ayurvedic Ingredients

Several herbal extracts have a therapeutic effect on the skin and offer a myriad of skin benefits. We at Navayur Herbals pick those herbal ingredients that may have brightening, therapeutic, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and balancing effects on the skin. These Ayurvedic ingredients have been used for centuries to bring a radiant glow to the skin and heal it from deep within. The top ingredients used in our Ayurvedic derma range are listed below: 

  • Gotu kola, which can help your skin make collagen and has wound-healing properties
  • Indian gooseberry, a rich source of Vitamin C to fight oxidative damage.
  • Anti-acne and ant-tan properties of Sandalwood
  • Aloe vera, to fight environmental pollution, sunlight, chemicals, stress, and allergens
  • Hydrating and soothing effects of Rose Water to relieve irritation and redness 

Navayur Herbals has prepared the Ayurvedic Derma Range after careful analysis and research. All the Ayurvedic products are made with the amalgamation of these effective and safe Ayurvedic ingredients to make a wide range of safe and effective. All the products are delivered to make them suitable for Ayurvedic PCD franchise and third party manufacturing services in the Pan India region.

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